Perpetua Review 2024: Pros, Cons, and Ratings

When looking for an Amazon PPC software, Perpetua is one of the many promising options available.

It allows you to automate your bids and track your PPC performance easily. But like any other software, it has its limitations. 

In this review, we’ll weigh the pros and cons of Perpetua to help you decide if it’s the right fit for your business.

Perpetua in Short

Perpetua offers complete PPC automation to sellers on Amazon, Instacart, Target, and Walmart.

While it helps you save time, the biggest issue is that the software takes down your old campaigns and sets up new ones even if the old ones were profitable. 

You also have very little control over how your campaigns are managed. So you have to trust it blindly even when the campaign structure used does not generate the most ROI.

✅ Pros

Easy campaign setup

Complete bid automation

Organic rank tracking

Keyword management automation

PPC performance analysisActionable growth insights

❌ Cons

Poor campaign structure

Poor transition process for accounts with previous ad history

You lose profitable campaigns

No control over the bidding strategy

Annual contracts and auto-upgraded pricing

Perpetua Features Breakdown

Perpetua has some exciting features that make it stand out. These include:

  1. Account Overview
    This dashboard shows your account’s overall performance. It also allows you to compare the performance of ads created with Perpetua against your existing campaigns.

    Additionally, it shows your budget and how much you’ve spent so far.
  2. Campaign Creator
    You can create bulk campaigns with Perpetua. It allows you to add up to 500 ASINs at once.

    You can also create your SBV and SD campaigns on the platform, making it convenient to manage all your ads in one place.
  3. Performance Tracker
    See how your Sponsored Ads are performing over time. You can track metrics like clicks, conversions, and sales to see the impact of changes made.
  4. Keyword Harvesting Automation
    Perpetua can find relevant keywords based on your existing campaigns or products, saving you time and effort.
  5. Bid Automation
    Take the manual work out of setting bids for your keywords by letting Perpetua’s algorithm do it automatically to optimize your ROAS.
  6. Keyword Optimization
    See how your current keywords are performing and identify areas for improvement.

    You can also see your Share of Voice for search terms and use Keyword Boosts to improve your ad ranking for important terms
  7. Recommendations
    You can set rules that allow the software to optimize your campaigns based on a target TACoS. 

    Additionally, you can automatically negate keywords based on the target number of clicks/conversions you choose.

Perpetua’s Pricing

Perpetua doesn’t provide pricing information on their website, but a search on the web (G2) suggests they offer four plans:

Starter – $250/month until $5k in spend

Growth – $550/month until $10k in spend

Pro – $550/month + a percentage of ad spend

Enterprise – Custom pricing

Reviews from Users Who Use Perpetua

Perpetua has a number of positive reviews with an average of 4.5 stars. After combing through customer reviews on G2, here’s a summary of what we gathered:

✅ What Users Liked About Using Perpetua

  • Perpetua improves ROI
  • It saves time when managing Amazon PPC
  • It can optimize a large number of products
  • It makes managing your budget easier
  • It is easy to set up new campaigns on the platform
  • The technical team resolves issues quickly

❌ What Users Didn’t Like About Using Perpetua

  • Bugs pop up regularly and some crucial features are still missing
  • Some keywords need to be optimized manually
  • The system seems overly complicated in some areas
  • No control over bidding strategy

Other Perpetua Alternatives You Can Explore

Fortunately, Perpetua isn’t the only PPC software available in the market.

If you want to automate your PPC campaigns without sacrificing control over your bids and prefer optimizing existing campaigns rather than shutting them down, we recommend AiHello.

Perpetua vs AiHello: A Detailed Comparison of the Best PPC Software

For starters, AiHello can automate your existing campaigns for better ACoS and create 100s of new campaigns in minutes. This saves you time and lets you optimize your performing campaigns, generating more ROI.

It also offers specialist support and managed services to sellers so you can solve all your Amazon needs in one place.

Here’s a table comparing their features and prices:

Bulk Campaign Creator✅ ✅ 
Managed Service❌ ✅ 
Maintain Existing Campaigns❌ ✅ 
Day Parting❌ ✅ 
Keyword Management✅ ✅ 
Month to Month Agreement❌ ✅ 
Account Overview✅ ✅ 
Human Support❌ ✅ 24/7 over email and up to 8hrs/month on video call
AI Bid Automation✅ ✅ 
Pricing$250 – $550 + 3%$175 – $450 + 1%

AiHello has all the benefits of Perpetua and more, and it is less expensive.

Some other alternatives to consider are

Teikametrics: This is a good option for sellers looking to optimize sales on Walmart and Amazon.

It offers AI bidding and provides a free trial for users looking to test the software.

The major downside here is that the only plan you get charges a 3% commission on ad spend. For small sellers, this might be affordable, but for larger sellers, it could lead to a hefty bill, sometimes reaching five figures.

Sellozo: While it may not be as well-known, Sellozo stands out for its excellent campaign creator and the level of control it offers over ads.

Additionally, it includes a whiteboard that helps sellers visualize their campaigns.

But it has its flaws too. For one, its AI is not very advanced and it doesn’t have any keyword research tools.

Quartile: This is a full-funnel advertising solution that automates Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Walmart ads.

With Quartile, you have the option of using both AI and rule-based automation. This lets you enjoy the speed that AI bidding provides with the option of total control when you need it.

However, Quartile is one of the most expensive PPC software in the market. Its pricing starts at $895/month and can go up to $10k/month depending on your budget.

Final Verdict

Perpetua is best for sellers who just want to save time and do not care about how their campaigns are being set up.

You should go for it if you don’t mind losing your existing campaigns and not being able to control your bids or dig deep into your PPC campaigns.

But if you’re looking for more flexibility and efficient PPC management, we recommend AiHello as the better alternative to Perpetua.